Unlock Opportunities: Training Visa Subclass 407 Guide

Embarking on a journey of professional development is a pivotal step in one’s career, and Australia’s Training Visa (Subclass 407) offers a golden opportunity to do just that. This visa is designed for individuals who wish to engage in workplace-based training to enhance their skills in an eligible occupation or participate in professional development activities.

Whether you’re looking to meet registration requirements, improve your job prospects, or simply gain international work experience, the Training Visa (Subclass 407) could be the key to unlocking your potential.

In this guide, we’ll navigate through the eligibility criteria, application process, and the myriad of benefits this visa has to offer, ensuring you’re well-prepared to take this significant step towards professional growth.

What is the Training Visa Subclass 407?

The Training Visa Subclass 407 is a temporary visa that allows individuals to participate in workplace-based training programs, obtain occupational registration or licensing, and develop their expertise in their chosen field in Australia. The key details about this visa are:

Training Visa Subclass 407

Definition and Purpose

  • The 407 visa is a temporary visa that allows people to undertake occupational training in Australia.
  • The purpose of the visa is to enable individuals to:
    • Meet occupational registration or licensing requirements
    • Enhance skills in their occupation
    • Participate in capacity building training for their home country

The Training Visa is generally valid for a stay in Australia for up to two years. However, the Department of Home Affairs will decide the length of the visa based on how much training they think you need.

Eligible Training Activities and Occupations

There are three main types of eligible training under the 407 visa:

    1. Workplace-based training for occupational registration or licensing
    2. Structured workplace-based training to enhance skills in an eligible occupation
    3. Training to build capacity and skills for overseas qualifications or government-supported programs
  • The training must be sponsored by an approved Australian organization and tailored to the individual’s needs.
  • There is no separate list of eligible occupations, but the training must be relevant to the applicant’s skills and experience.

The 407 visa provides a pathway for individuals to upskill, gain international experience, and meet regulatory requirements through structured workplace-based training programs in Australia. The visa allows for both occupational training and professional development opportunities.

Benefits of the Training Visa (Subclass 407)

The Training Visa (Subclass 407) offers several benefits for those looking to undertake occupational training in Australia. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Apply Onshore or Offshore: You can apply for the visa whether you are currently in Australia or outside the country.
  2. Stay Duration: The visa allows you to stay in Australia for up to 2 years to complete your specified training.
  3. Work and Train: While on this visa, you are permitted to engage in the occupational training specified in your visa application.
  4. Travel Flexibility: You have the freedom to exit and re-enter Australia frequently within the visa’s validity period.
  5. Family Inclusion: Eligible family members can accompany you to Australia, which can include spouses and children.
  6. Health Insurance: You must maintain health insurance during your stay, which is an important aspect of your wellbeing in Australia.
  7. Improve Skills: This visa provides an opportunity to enhance your skills in your occupation or field of expertise through structured workplace-based training.
  8. Professional Development: It allows for professional development training programs in Australia, which can be beneficial for overseas employers and their managerial or professional employees.
  9. Capacity Building: It supports capacity building overseas, including practical experience, research, or observation required for an overseas qualification.

The specific benefits and requirements can vary based on individual circumstances, so it’s always best to consult the official Australian government immigration website or 13 Dream Consultants, a registered migration agent for personalized advice.

Eligibility Criteria for Training Visa Subclass 407

To be eligible for the Training Visa (Subclass 407), applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Age Requirement: Applicants must be at least 18 years old.
  2. English Language Skills: Applicants should have functional English language proficiency.
  3. Health and Character: Applicants must meet the health and character requirements set by the Australian immigration authorities.
  4. Health Insurance: Applicants must have adequate health insurance for the duration of their stay in Australia.
  5. Sponsorship: Applicants must have an approved sponsor who will nominate them for the visa.
  6. Nomination by Sponsor: The sponsor must nominate the applicant to undertake occupational training. Commonwealth agencies are exempt from this requirement.
  7. Work or Study Experience: In the past 24 months, applicants must have worked or studied full-time for at least 12 months in the occupation that will be nominated.

For a comprehensive understanding of the eligibility criteria and the nomination process, it’s best to consult the official Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website or seek advice from a qualified migration agent.

How to apply for a Training Visa (Subclass 407)

The process of applying for a Training Visa Subclass 407 involves several key steps:

Sponsorship and Nomination
1. An approved Australian organization must sponsor you to undertake the training program.
2. Your sponsor must nominate you for the specific training activities you will participate in.
3. The nomination must be approved before you can apply for the visa.
4. If your sponsor is a Commonwealth Government institution, you may need to be invited to apply.

Visa Application and Required Documents

  • You must apply for the 407 visa online through an ImmiAccount.
  • Key documents required include:
  • Valid passport and ID documents
  • Proof of sponsorship and nomination approval
  • Evidence of qualifications, skills and experience
  • Proof of English proficiency
  • Health insurance coverage
  • Evidence of sufficient funds to support yourself
  • You can apply from either inside or outside Australia.

Processing Times and Fees

  • The base application charge for a 407 visa is AUD$405.
  • Additional charges apply for each family member included in the application.
  • Processing times are approximately 71 days to 4 months.
  • If your current visa is expiring, you may be able to apply for a bridging visa to remain in Australia while your 407 visa is processed.

The 407 visa application process requires sponsorship from an approved organization, nomination for specific training activities, and submission of a comprehensive online application with supporting documents. Fees and processing times vary, but the visa allows you to participate in workplace-based training programs in Australia for up to 2 years.

Visa Conditions and Restrictions

The Training Visa Subclass 407 comes with several key conditions and restrictions that visa holders must be aware of:

Work and Study Limitations

  • The primary visa holder can only work in the specific training activities and occupation nominated by their sponsor.
  • They must work at least 30 hours per week in their training role.
  • Secondary applicants (dependents) are limited to working no more than 40 hours per fortnight.
  • Visa holders are not permitted to undertake any other studies or training programs beyond their nominated training activities.

Dependents and Family Members

  • Visa holders can include their spouse/partner and dependent children in their application.
  • Dependent family members are granted the same length of stay as the primary visa holder.
  • Dependent family members have limited work rights, capped at 40 hours per fortnight.

Extending or Changing the Visa

  • The 407 visa is granted for a specific period, typically between 6 months to 2 years.
  • The visa cannot be extended beyond the original grant period.
  • Visa holders cannot change to another visa subclass while in Australia, except in limited circumstances.
  • At the end of the 407 visa, the holder must either depart Australia or apply for a different visa if eligible.

Subclass 407 visa imposes strict conditions around the type of work, study, and employment that visa holders and their dependents can engage in during their stay in Australia. Understanding and complying with these restrictions is crucial for a successful 407 visa experience.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the 407 Visa

The Training Visa Subclass 407 offers several potential benefits and considerations for applicants:

Allows participants to gain hands-on
Limited to specific types of training and courses.
experience and training in Australia.
Cannot work outside the scope of the training.
Offers opportunities to improve skills and
Requires sponsorship by an approved training
knowledge in their occupation or field.
Can stay in Australia for the duration of
Does not lead to permanent residency directly;
the training program (up to 2 years).
additional visa may be required for longer stays.
Provides a pathway for professional
May have restrictions on family members joining
development and career advancement.
the visa holder in Australia.
Requires proof of sufficient funds to support
oneself during the stay.


  • Allows you to gain valuable workplace-based training and professional development experience in Australia
  • Can help you meet occupational registration or licensing requirements in your home country or Australia
  • Provides an opportunity to enhance your skills and competencies in your chosen field
  • Enables you to build capacity and skills for overseas qualifications or government-supported programs
  • You can apply for the visa from either inside or outside Australia
  • Dependents like your spouse/partner and children can be included in the visa application
  • Fees are significantly cheaper compared to other temporary work visas like the 482 visa


  • The 407 visa is temporary and does not lead directly to permanent residency
  • Strict work and study limitations – you can only work in the specific training activities nominated by your sponsor
  • Visa cannot be extended beyond the original grant period, typically 6 months to 2 years
  • Visa holders cannot change to another visa subclass while in Australia, except in limited circumstances
  • Dependents have limited work rights, capped at 40 hours per fortnight
  • Requires sponsorship from an approved Australian organization
  • Applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial capacity to support themselves and any dependents

The 407 visa provides a valuable opportunity for professional development and skills enhancement in Australia, but comes with restrictions around work rights, study, and length of stay. Applicants should carefully consider their goals and circumstances to determine if the 407 visa is the right fit for them.

Transitioning to Other Visas

While the Training Visa Subclass 407 is a temporary visa that does not lead directly to permanent residency, there are some options for extending your stay in Australia or transitioning to other visa pathways:

Pathways to Permanent Residency

  • The 407 visa does not provide a direct pathway to permanent residency (PR) in Australia.
  • However, if you have skills and experience that are in demand, you may be eligible to apply for PR through other visa programs like the Skilled Migration Program or Employer Sponsored visas.
  • Completing your training under the 407 visa can help you gain valuable Australian work experience and potentially meet the requirements for other PR visas.

Options for Extending Your Stay

  • At the end of your 407 visa, you will need to either depart Australia or apply for a different visa if eligible.
  • If you have a job offer from an Australian employer, you may be able to apply for a Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa (subclass 482) or Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa (subclass 186).
  • If you have a spouse or family member who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you could apply for a Partner visa.
  • If you have significant business, investment or entrepreneurial skills, you may be eligible for a Business Innovation and Investment visa.
  • Alternatively, you could apply for a Student visa to continue your studies in Australia.

In summary, while the 407 visa itself does not lead to permanent residency, it can provide a valuable stepping stone to gain skills, experience and potentially meet the requirements for other temporary or permanent visas. Consulting with a registered migration agent can help you explore the best options for extending your stay in Australia after your 407 visa.

Explore the Opportunity

If you’re looking to advance your career and enhance your professional skills, the Training Visa (Subclass 407) presents a fantastic opportunity. It’s a pathway to not only improve your expertise in a global context but also to experience the diverse and vibrant culture of Australia.

Whether you’re seeking professional development or need to complete practical training for your overseas qualification, this visa could be the stepping stone to achieving your goals.

I encourage you to consider this opportunity and explore how it can contribute to your personal and professional growth. Remember, always seek up-to-date information and professional advice when making decisions about immigration and visas.

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