How Many Years is a Student Visa Duration Australia?

Planning to study in Australia but not sure how long your student visa will allow you to stay? student visas issued by the Australian government are generally valid for the normal duration of the course you plan to study, plus some additional time. This duration varies based on your level of study.

This in-depth guide provides details on the validity period of Australian student visas for various study levels, including school, vocational, undergraduate, postgraduate and research degrees. Read on to learn how long you can stay in Australia on each type of student visa.

Factors Influencing Student Visa Duration

The duration of your Australian student visa is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Several factors come into play, each influencing how long you’ll be allowed to stay and study in the country:

Course Level:

  • Bachelor’s Degree: Generally, a student visa for a Bachelor’s degree will cover the duration of the course, which is typically three to four years, plus an additional period for post-study activities.
  • Master’s Degree: A Master’s degree, usually lasting one to two years, will have a visa duration aligned with the course length, plus some additional time.
  • Doctoral Degree (PhD): Doctoral programs, often spanning three to four years, will typically be granted a visa for the duration of the research and thesis writing, with the possibility of extension.

Course Duration:

  • Short Courses: For shorter vocational courses or English language programs, your visa duration will generally be aligned with the specific course length, often with a few extra months.
  • Long Courses: Longer programs like Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral degrees usually receive visas aligned with the standard duration of the program, plus a few extra months for pre-course preparation and post-study activities.


  • Registered Education Providers: The Australian government maintains a list of approved education providers (CRICOS registered). The reputation and accreditation of your chosen institution might subtly influence the visa decision-making process.
  • Reputation and Accreditation: While the primary factor is the course duration, the reputation and accreditation of your institution might indirectly influence the visa assessment. Well-established and highly regarded institutions may have a slightly more favorable impact on the decision-making process, though this is not the sole determining factor.

  • Course Approval: Make sure the specific course you want to study is also listed on CRICOS. This is important to ensure your chosen program meets Australian education standards and is eligible for a student visa.

Country of Citizenship:

  • Assessment Levels: The Australian Department of Home Affairs assesses different countries based on their immigration risk. Your country of citizenship might fall into a lower or higher assessment level, potentially impacting the scrutiny of your visa application and duration.
  • Example: A student from a country with a lower assessment level might be granted a visa for the full duration of their course plus a few months.

    A student from a country with a higher assessment level might initially receive a visa for a shorter duration, with the option to apply for an extension later if they maintain good academic standing and meet other requirements.

Understanding these factors is crucial when planning your studies in Australia. It’s advisable to consult with education agents or migration experts for personalized guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.

School Student Australia Visas

For international students wishing to study at the primary or secondary school level in Australia, the student visa granted is based on the duration of your academic course plus an additional visa period upon completion. Some key points:

  • The initial visa length will cover the entire school program duration as mentioned in your offer letter. This is typically 1 to 6 years.
  • After you finish your schooling, you get an additional visa period between 2 to 3 months to remain in Australia. This allows time to prepare for departure or apply for another visa if eligible.
  • The maximum total duration for a school student visa is generally 6 years of study plus a 3 month post-study visa period = 6 years and 3 months total.
  • If you turn 18 while holding a school student visa valid until age 18, you can apply for a student visa extension up to age 25 as a youth mobility scheme. This allows an additional 6 years in Australia for higher education.

So in summary, the maximum duration of study in Australia on a school student visa ranges from 1 to 6 years plus a post-study stay of 2 to 3 months. Extensions may be possible in some cases to remain longer.

Student Visa Duration Australia based on Visa type

While the most common student visa is the Subclass 500 (Student Visa), there are other visas relevant to students that each have their own duration implications:

1. Subclass 500 (Student Visa):

  • Purpose: This is the main visa for international students pursuing full-time courses in Australia.
  • Duration:
    • Generally aligned with the length of your course: If your course is less than 10 months and ends at the end of an Australian academic year (usually November or December), your visa will typically last until 15 March of the following year.
    • Maximum of 5 years: For courses longer than 10 months, your visa may be valid for up to 5 years, depending on your course enrollment.

2. Subclass 573 (Higher Education Sector):

  • Purpose: Designed for students undertaking higher education courses like Bachelor’s degrees and Master’s degrees at universities and other eligible institutions.
  • Duration: Similar to Subclass 500, usually aligned with the course duration plus additional time for pre-course preparation and post-study activities.

3. Subclass 574 (Postgraduate Research Sector):

  • Purpose: For students enrolled in Masters by research or Doctorate programs.
  • Duration: Typically 3-4 years for research and thesis completion, with the possibility of extension depending on the progress of your research.

4. Subclass 590 (Student Guardian):

  • Purpose: For parents or guardians who want to accompany a student under 18 years old to Australia.
  • Duration: Linked to the duration of the student’s visa, ensuring the guardian can remain in Australia as long as the student is studying.


While student visas generally last for the duration of an academic program, the total validity period in Australia depends on the level of study. School student visas can go up to 6 years, vocational is up to 3 years, undergraduate allows up to 5 years, and postgraduate student visas can be valid for 3 to 4 years plus a few months after studies.

Carefully check the visa expiry date granted to you and apply for extensions or a new visa well in advance if required and eligible. This will ensure you have enough time in Australia to complete your academic goals.

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