Is an Interview Compulsory for an Australian Student Visa?

International students seeking to study in Australia must obtain a student visa before they can enter the country. A common question that arises during the application process is – is interview compulsory for Australian student visa 2024

The answer is – while most student visas are processed without interviews, the Australian immigration department can call you for a visa interview if they need more information to make a decision.

This in-depth guide explains when a student visa interview may be requested, how you will be notified, what documents you need to bring, likely interview questions, and 21 tips to prepare for a successful interview.

When is Student Visa Interview Australia Required?

While an interview is not mandatory for every student visa application in Australia, it’s not uncommon to be called for an interview at the discretion of the Australian High Commission. Here’s a breakdown:

When is Student Visa Interview Australia Required
  • Initial Application: You don’t typically need an interview when submitting your initial student visa application.
  • Post-Submission: After submitting your application, the Australian High Commission might request an interview based on various factors, including:
    • Complexity of your application: If your application involves unique circumstances or requires further clarification, an interview might be necessary.
    • Your nationality: Applicants from certain countries might be more likely to be called for interviews.
    • Incomplete documentation: If your application lacks crucial documents or has inconsistencies, an interview could be requested for clarification.

Even though an interview isn’t guaranteed, it’s crucial to be prepared in case you’re called. The best way to stay informed and understand your specific situation.

Remember, being prepared for a potential interview demonstrates your seriousness about pursuing your studies in Australia and can positively impact your visa application.

The vast majority of applications from genuine students are processed without interviews. But immigration retains the right to interview any applicant they deem necessary.

Are Indian Students Called for Study Visa Interview?

The Australian Department of Home Affairs does not publicly list specific countries as high risk. While interviews are not mandatory for Australian student visas, applicants from certain countries might be more likely to be called for an interview. This is due to various factors, including: 

Immigration Risk: Countries with higher rates of visa overstays or non-compliance with visa conditions might be considered higher risk. Applicants from these countries may face increased scrutiny, including interviews.

Previous Fraudulent Applications: If there has been a history of fraudulent visa applications from a particular country, applicants from that country might be more likely to be interviewed.

Political Instability or Conflict: Applicants from countries experiencing political instability or conflict might be interviewed to assess their genuine intentions for studying in Australia.

However, based on reports and analyses, some countries that have been mentioned in the context of higher visa overstay rates in Australia include:

  • China: While China sends a large number of students to Australia, there have been instances of visa overstays.
  • India: Similar to China, India is a major source of international students for Australia, and there have been cases of visa overstayers.
  • Malaysia: Reports have indicated a relatively higher rate of visa overstayers from Malaysia compared to other countries.
  • Vietnam: There have been concerns regarding visa overstays from Vietnamese nationals in Australia.

It’s important to note that this is not an exhaustive list and the situation can change over time. Additionally, being from one of these countries does not guarantee that you will be called for an interview. The decision is made on a case-by-case basis and depends on various factors.

Is GTE Interview Compulsory in Australia?

Based on the search results, the key points regarding the GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant) interview for Australian student visas are:

  • A GTE interview is not always required, but may be requested in some cases :
  • Participation in a GTE interview often depends on the applicant’s home country “risk level” 
  • Students will only be able to take one Australian student visa interview .
  • If a GTE interview is requested, it is the last stage of the GTE assessment process :
  • The interview is used to determine whether the applicant passes the GTE requirements .
  • Applicants will be expected to answer questions about their planned studies, course/campus knowledge, and financial support .
  • The GTE interview is not a mandatory requirement for all Australian student visa applicants :
  • At the time of visa filing, students are not required to sit for any interview .
  • However, after submitting the visa application, students may receive a call for an interview from the Australian High Commission .

A GTE interview is not compulsory for all Australian student visa applicants, but may be requested in some cases as part of the GTE assessment process. The interview is used to further evaluate the applicant’s genuine intent to study temporarily in Australia.

How Will You Know if an Interview is Scheduled?

There are typically two ways you may be notified about a scheduled student visa interview for Australia:

How Will You Know if an Australian Student Interview is Scheduled
  • Through your ImmiAccount: This is the preferred method used by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. You will receive a notification in your Immi Account (which you create during your visa application process) informing you about the interview date, time, location, and any specific instructions.
  • Directly contacted: In some cases, you might be contacted directly by the Australian High Commission or Embassy in your country via email or phone call. This is less common, but it’s still possible.

Here are some additional details to keep in mind:

  • The notification will likely include information on how to prepare for the interview, including possible topics that might be discussed.
  • If you don’t have an Immi Account, you will be informed of its importance and how to create one to access your interview details.
  • It’s crucial to respond promptly to any interview notifications and follow the instructions provided.

It’s always recommended to regularly check your Immi Account, especially after submitting your visa application, to stay updated on any communication from the Australian Government regarding your visa status, including potential interview requests.

Ensure you thoroughly read the appointment letter and follow the instructions provided. Attending the interview is compulsory or your visa is likely to be refused.

Are there any Exceptions to the Interview Requirement?

Yes, there are some exceptions to the interview requirement for an Australian student visa. While most applicants are required to attend an interview, certain situations may allow for an exemption. Here are some scenarios where an interview might not be necessary:

  1. Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP): If you are applying under the Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP) framework, you may not need an interview. SVP is available for eligible students from specific countries and institutions. It simplifies the visa process, and interviews are generally not part of it.

  2. Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Assessment: The GTE assessment evaluates whether you genuinely intend to stay in Australia temporarily for study purposes. If your application demonstrates strong evidence of genuine intent, you might be exempt from an interview.

  3. Documentary Evidence: If your application includes comprehensive and convincing documentary evidence (such as financial documents, academic transcripts, and English language proficiency results), the Australian High Commission may waive the interview requirement.

  4. Previous Visa Holders: If you have previously held an Australian student visa and maintained compliance with visa conditions, you may not need an interview for subsequent applications.

  5. Age and Circumstances: Sometimes, based on your age, circumstances, or the specific course you are applying for, the authorities may decide that an interview is unnecessary.

The decision to waive the interview ultimately rests with the Australian immigration authorities. Always check the official Australian government website or consult with a registered migration agent for the most up-to-date information regarding visa requirements. ✨

Why Attending Your Australian Student Visa Interview is an Advantage?

While it might feel nerve-wracking, attending your Australian student visa interview is actually an opportunity to strengthen your application. Here’s why showing up prepared for the interview can benefit you:

  1. Demonstrating Eligibility: The interview provides an opportunity to showcase your genuine intent and eligibility for a student visa. By answering questions about your background, academic qualifications, and financial stability, you can convince the visa officer that you meet the requirements for a student visa.
  2. Understanding the Visa Conditions: During the interview, you will be asked about the conditions of the Australian student visa, such as work limitations and the requirement to maintain satisfactory academic progress. This knowledge will help you comply with the visa conditions and avoid any potential issues later on.
  3. Preparing for Future Interviews: The student visa interview is a valuable learning experience that can help you prepare for future interviews, such as job interviews or visa renewals. It can also help you develop your communication skills and confidence in answering questions.
  4. Improving Your English Language Skills: The interview is an opportunity to practice speaking English, which is crucial for studying and living in Australia. It can also help you identify any areas where you need to improve your language skills.
  5. Understanding the Australian Educational System: The interview may include questions about your chosen course and university, which can help you gain a better understanding of the Australian educational system. This knowledge can be beneficial for your academic success and future career prospects.
  6. Meeting the GTE Requirements: The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) assessment is a crucial part of the visa application process. The interview provides an opportunity to demonstrate your intentions to study in Australia temporarily and return to your home country upon completion of your studies.

In summary, attending the Australian student visa interview is a crucial step in the visa application process that can help you prepare for your academic and professional future in Australia.

Interview Preparation Documents

These are some key documents you should have ready in case an interview is requested:

Australian Student visa Interview Preparation Documents

Documents you should bring:

  • Originals and copies of all documents submitted with your visa application: This includes:
    • Your passport (valid for at least 6 months beyond your intended stay)
    • Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from your chosen institution
    • Academic transcripts and certificates
    • English language proficiency test results (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL)
    • Financial documents (proof of sufficient funds to support your studies and living expenses)
    • Statement of Genuine Temporary Entrant (SGTE): This document explains your genuine intentions to return to your home country after completing your studies.
  • Additional documents you may be requested to bring: These could vary depending on your specific circumstances. The interview notification might mention any additional documents needed.

Important points to remember:

  • Organize your documents: Arrange them in a clear and logical order, ideally in folders or binders, for easy access during the interview.
  • Bring photocopies: While originals are required, having photocopies can be helpful if additional copies are needed.
  • Ensure authenticity: All documents must be genuine and originals or certified copies.
  • Do not submit any new documents during the interview unless specifically requested.

Remember, thorough preparation demonstrates your seriousness about your studies and contributes positively to your visa application process.

Bring photocopies as well as originals. The interviewer may verify documents for authenticity.

Australian Student Visa Interview Questions and Answers

Here are examples of some common questions asked during Australian student visa interviews:

Student Visa Australia Potential Visa Interview Questions

About yourself and your background:

  • Tell me about yourself and your educational background.
  • What are your career aspirations, and how will this course help you achieve them?
  • Why have you chosen to study in Australia? This is crucial; be prepared to answer with specific reasons beyond just “better education.”
  • Why did you choose this specific university and course? Highlight specific aspects of the program and university that appeal to you.
  • What are your plans after completing your studies? Demonstrate your intention to return to your home country, fulfilling the “genuine temporary entrant” requirement!

About your finances:

  • How will you finance your studies and living expenses in Australia? Be prepared to explain your sources of funding, e.g., personal savings, scholarships, sponsorships
  • Do you have any family members living in Australia? If yes, explain their relationship to you and their immigration status, if applicable

About your studies:

  • Can you briefly explain the content of your chosen course? Demonstrate basic knowledge about the program!.
  • Do you have any prior experience related to your field of study? Highlight relevant work experience, internships, or volunteer work.
  • What are your learning goals for this course? Show genuine interest and purpose in your studies

Additional questions:

Some common Australian student visa interview questions and answers include:

  1. Purpose of Trip: The officer may ask about the purpose of your trip to verify the information provided in your application. Provide a simple, well-structured response indicating your intention to pursue further studies in Australia.
  2. Reasons for Choosing Australia: Be prepared to explain why you chose Australia as your study destination. Clearly state your reasons, such as the excellent education system, career opportunities, or specific course offerings.
  3. Introduction of Yourself: Keep your introduction concise, mentioning your name and country of origin.
  4. Previous Travel to Australia: If you have visited Australia before, provide a truthful response.
  5. Intentions of Working Part-Time: Be honest about your intentions regarding part-time work during your stay in Australia.
  6. English Language Proficiency: Be ready to demonstrate your English language proficiency, which is crucial for studying in Australia.
  7. Future Plans: Discuss your future plans and how studying in Australia fits into your long-term goals.
  8. Course Selection: Explain why you chose the specific course you applied for and how it aligns with your career aspirations.
  9. Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE): Be prepared to discuss your genuine intentions to study in Australia and not immigrate permanently.
  10. Character and Health Requirements: Ensure you meet the character and health requirements for the visa application.
  11. Accommodation Details: Provide information about your accommodation plans while studying in Australia.
  12. Final Questions: Be ready for any final questions that may arise during the interview process.

By familiarizing yourself with these questions and preparing thoughtful, honest responses, you can increase your chances of success during the Australian student visa interview.

Remember, these are just some potential questions. The actual interview will vary depending on your individual circumstances.

Be prepared to answer questions about your program choice, financial situation, family ties, career goals and post-study intentions clearly and confidently.

Is GTE Interview Compulsory in Australia?

Yes, the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) interview is compulsory for international students planning to study in Australia. Let me provide you with more details about the GTE interview and its significance.

  1. What is the GTE Interview?

    • The GTE interview is a critical stage in the process of obtaining a study visa for Australia. It is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you genuinely intend to study in Australia and that your primary purpose is education.
    • During the interview, you’ll be asked questions related to your study plans, qualifications, and reasons for choosing Australia as your study destination.

      Purpose of the GTE Interview:

      • The GTE requirement ensures that students are entering Australia with the genuine intention of pursuing quality education and not for any other purpose (such as immigration or work).
      • By participating in the GTE interview, you confirm that you plan to study in Australia and will leave the country once you complete your academic program.
  2. Sample questions are Asked in GTE Interview for Australia

    • Here are some common questions that may be asked during the GTE interview:
      • Could you please introduce yourself? (Provide a brief introduction with your name and country.)
      • What is the purpose of your trip? (Explain that you plan to pursue further studies in Australia.)
      • What is your qualification? (Mention your last qualification and be prepared to verify it.)
      • Do you have any work experience? (Answer honestly, even if it’s a “no.”)
      • Can you tell me your passport number? (Provide your passport number.)
      • Why did you choose Australia for your further studies? (Highlight Australia’s quality education and diverse opportunities.)
      • Have you visited Australia before? (Be ready to explain if you have.)
      • How did you find the university, and why do you want to get admission to it? (Discuss your research and reasons for choosing the specific university.)

Remember to be well-prepared, provide accurate information, and demonstrate your genuine commitment to studying in Australia during the GTE interview. Good luck with your study visa application! 

Murdoch University GTE Processing Time

The processing time for the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) assessment at Murdoch University can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the application, such as the degree being applied for and whether the applicant is also applying for a scholarship. It is advisable to contact the university directly for more precise information regarding the processing time for the GTE assessment.

Tips to Prepare for a Student Visa Interview

While a student visa interview isn’t mandatory for every Australian student visa application, being prepared is crucial if you get called for one. Here are some tips to increase your chances of a successful interview:

Before the interview:

1. Research thoroughly:

  • About Australia: Learn about the education system, cost of living, and cultural aspects.
  • Your chosen university and program: Demonstrate specific knowledge about its curriculum, faculty, and facilities.
  • Common student visa interview questions: Prepare concise and clear answers to anticipate potential questions.
  • Practice your responses: Rehearse your answers aloud to build confidence and ensure clarity.

2. Gather documentation:

  • Organize originals and copies of all documents submitted with your visa application.
  • Prepare additional documents that might be requested, as mentioned in the interview notification.
  • Ensure all documents are authentic and originals or certified copies.

3. Dress professionally:

  • First impressions matter. Dress appropriately for a formal setting, showing respect for the interviewer.

4. On the day of the interview:

1. Arrive early:

  • Punctuality demonstrates professionalism and avoids any unnecessary stress.

2. Be confident and polite:

  • Maintain a positive and respectful demeanor throughout the interview.
  • Make eye contact, speak clearly, and use body language that conveys confidence.

3. Answer questions honestly and concisely:

  • Avoid providing vague or rambling answers. Stick to the point and be truthful.
  • If you don’t understand a question, politely ask for clarification.

4. Be prepared to talk about your future plans:

  • Explain your intentions to return to your home country after completing your studies, fulfilling the “genuine temporary entrant” requirement.
  • Briefly discuss your career aspirations and how your chosen course helps you achieve them.

5. Show genuine interest and enthusiasm:

  • Express your excitement about studying in Australia and highlight your commitment to your education.
  • Ask thoughtful questions about the program, university, or living in Australia.

Additional tips:

  • Carry a pen and notepad: You might want to take notes or jot down additional details you want to mention.
  • Turn off your phone: Avoid any distractions during the interview.
  • Relax and be yourself: While being prepared is important, don’t over-rehearse your responses to the point you sound robotic.

By following these tips and thoroughly preparing, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful student visa interview for Australia. Remember, confidence, honesty, and a genuine interest in your studies will make a positive impression on the interviewer.

With meticulous preparation and practice, you can ace the student visa interview in Australia!

After Your Australian Student Visa Interview:

A. Waiting for the Decision

  • Timeline: The processing time for student visa applications can vary, but you can usually expect a decision within a few weeks after your interview. You can check the estimated processing times on the Department of Home Affairs website
  • Communication: The Department of Home Affairs will contact you through the email address you provided in your application. They may also request additional information from you during this time.
  • Be Patient: It can be nerve-wracking to wait for the decision, but try to stay patient. Avoid contacting the Department of Home Affairs unless it’s been a significantly longer time than the estimated processing timeframe for your application type.

B. Understanding the Next Steps

  • Visa Granted:
    • Review the Grant Letter: Carefully read the conditions of your visa grant letter. This will outline the validity period of your visa, any work limitations, and other important details.
    • Book Your Flights: Once you have your visa, you can book your flights to Australia. Be sure to consider the start date of your course when booking your travel. You can generally enter Australia up to 90 days before your course commences.
    • Prepare for Arrival: Research what you need to do upon arrival in Australia, such as opening a bank account, obtaining a tax file number (TFN), and registering for Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
  • Visa Refused:
    • Review the Refusal Letter: The refusal letter will explain the reasons why your visa application was denied. Understanding these reasons can help you decide whether to appeal the decision.
    • Appeal the Decision (optional): You have the right to appeal the visa refusal decision within a specific timeframe (outlined in the letter). This process typically involves seeking legal advice and submitting additional documentation to address the reasons for refusal.
    • Re-apply (optional): In some cases, you may be able to re-apply for a student visa after addressing the reasons for refusal in your initial application.

Additional Resources:

Remember, this is just a general overview. It’s always best to refer to the official information provided by the Department of Home Affairs for the most up-to-date details.

Australia Student Visa Interview Chances

Let’s discuss the Australian student visa success rate and factors that influence it.

  1. Australia Study Visa Success Rate:

  2. Country of Origin:

    • The country you’re applying from plays a significant role in visa approval. In 2020, students from the United Kingdom, Canada, and the United States had the highest visa approval rates (97.7%, 97.6%, and 96.7%, respectively).
    • Conversely, students from Nepal, India, and Pakistan had the lowest Australian study visa success rate (68.6%, 72.9%, and 73.6%, respectively).
  3. Type of Visa:

    • There are three types of Australian student visas:
    • In 2020, students applying to an Australian university saw a higher approval rate for higher education (subclass 500 visas) at 90.6% compared to training visas (subclass 407) at 87.6%.
  4. Impact of COVID-19:

    • The pandemic has influenced visa processing. New immigration laws require students to provide proof of better savings, improved English proficiency, and complete the Genuine Student Test.
    • These changes affected students from countries like India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Transparency in the visa approval process remains a concern.

Remember, thorough preparation and understanding of the process can improve your chances. Best of luck with your Australian student visa application! 

Are there any exceptions to the interview requirement?


Interviews are not compulsory for Australian student visas, but immigration can request one in cases that need clarification. If called for a visa interview, confirm attendance promptly.

Acing your student visa interview is crucial for securing your dream of studying abroad. Here’s a quick recap of why preparation is key:

  • Increases Approval Chances: Being well-prepared demonstrates your seriousness about your studies and strengthens your application.
  • Builds Confidence: Knowing the potential questions and having clear answers beforehand helps you feel confident and articulate during the interview.
  • Reduces Anxiety: Preparation minimizes surprises and allows you to focus on delivering clear and concise answers, reducing interview anxiety.

Seek Expert Help 13 Dream Consultants

While you can prepare independently, seeking professional guidance can significantly enhance your interview readiness. Consider 13 Dream Consultants, a team of experts specializing in student visa interview preparation. They can offer:

  • Mock Interviews: Practice interviews that simulate the real scenario, allowing you to refine your responses and receive feedback.
  • In-depth Guidance: Tailored advice on the specific requirements and common questions related to your chosen destination country.
  • Application Review: Expert review of your application to identify any areas that might need strengthening.

By investing in your preparation with 13 Dream Consultants, you can significantly increase your chances of a successful student visa interview. Remember, a small investment now can pave the way for a bright future filled with academic success abroad.

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